Packraft reppulautat

Packraft backpacking boards

Packraft reppulauttavalikoimamme koostuu Saimaa Kayaksin packrafteistä, josta löydät varmasti sopivan mallin itsellesi. Valikoima ulottuu huippukeveistä (2,1kg) ja pieneen tilaan pakkautuvista packrafteistä aina kahden hengen todella kantaviin (300kg) ja kestäviin packrafteihin. Hinta ja laatu on valikoimassamme markkinoiden parhaita, ellei jopa paras! Kaupan päälle saat kotimaisen tuotetuen, mikäli kaipaat apua packraftin käyttöönotossa tai mikä tahansa muu asia packrafteissä askarruttaa. ammattilaiset palveluksessasi!

19 products

Top quality Saimaa Kayaks Packraft

<p>Top light, durable and small spaces packed with backpacks bring a whole new dimension to hiking and canoeing! Packrafts are so light and compact that they can be carried with anywhere; Hiking, bike ride, boat, scooter ... The lightest Packraft weighs only 2.1kg!</p>
<p>The name "Packraft" comes from the words "Pack" and "raft" (ferry), which refers to their ability to go with you and easily pack in your backpack. Despite the compact and lightness, the packrafts are made of high -end materials designed to withstand consumption and heavy use. Packraft can even calculate rapids! There are many uses of packrams, and they are well suited for hiking for waterways, canoeing trips, fishing and hunting, even for rapids. Backpacks can be used on lakes, where at sea; There are different models for different uses. If you are looking for help in choosing a model, we will be happy to help!<br></p>
<p>Packraft backpacks are quick to harness the backpack for operation. Depending on the model, it takes only a few minutes for filling and attaching equipment. All Packrafs comes with a practical filling bag that allows you to fill the ferry anywhere. As an accessory, it is also possible to get a really fast downloadable electric pump below lime can to fill the ferry in about 1-2 minutes! It is a good idea to make the final adhesive by blowing.</p>